Protecting kids from online pornography – Protéger les enfants de la pornographie en ligne

Ce site est mis à jour par le bureau de la sénatrice indépendante Julie Miville-Dechêne

Bill S-210 will have no impact on any adult’s ability to access pornographic content online. All legal pornography available online today will continue to be accessible to adults once Bill S-210 is passed. The only difference is that accessing pornographic websites will require a quick age verification process.

As Prof. Pierre Trudel said in his testimony in support of Bill S-210:

This bill is not about banning sexually explicit material; rather, it is about limiting access to individuals who demonstrate that they are 18 or older. It requires that organizations take reasonable steps to verify the age of individuals who access sexually explicit content. In that sense, Bill S-210 establishes, and explicitly lays out, a duty of care for online platforms, which earn considerable revenue from the distribution of videos and other online content.

Ce contenu a été mis à jour le 12/21/2023 à 4:30 PM.